São Francisco Building5 pieces on display in different exhibition spaces will be shown in two visits themed around…
28.10.2020 - 28.10.2020
Diana Gomes and Rui Caria | Instituto Açoriano de CulturaPresentation by Letícia Leal.
HOW THE ACHADA STAMP WAS BORNPresentation by Manuel Martins, a visual artist.
- 04.10.2020
5 pieces belonging to different Conservation Units will be shown in a trilogy of visits on the themes…
10.09.2020 - 24.09.2020
Organ, harpsichord and flute concertoAlexandra Félix, Luana Rocha, Rodrigo Santos Lima | fluteGustaaf van Manen | organ &…
04.09.2020 -
5 pieces which belong to different Conservations Units will be shown in a trilogy of visits on the…
09.07.2020 - 23.07.2020
The Museum of Angra do Heroísmo lit up its façade to mark the hope of once again welcoming…
16.05.2020 - 18.05.2020
Free attendance will be limited to 10 participantsPrior registration via e-mail [email protected] provided by the company Health2Go upon…