16.06.2024 - 16.10.2024

Capítulo Gallery

Capítulo Gallery, 16 June to 16 October
The material and symbolic value acquired and selectively exhibited can be expressed in numbers – 1106 specimens – but, above all, in elements that are representative and evocative of the dynamics and issues inherent in the material and economic life of the Azores, from the 16th to the 19th century, in other words, from the time when D. António was here fighting for succession rights and the kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves’ independence from Spain until D. Pedro once again stirred up life on these islands.
The idea of ancient currency as the material expression of one of the greatest human inventions (money) which, as Paula Quadros, the author of the reflection upon which the exhibition was also based, says, is pure abstraction that is gradually dematerialised.
