Capítulo Gallery
Capítulo Gallery, 4th May to 15th September
The 20 large-scale works in this exhibition correspond to Humberto Marçal’s most recent work, in which he has combined printmaking and collage techniques to create dreamlike landscapes that envelop us with their vibrant solar colours and captivate us with their meticulous, multiple and suggestive textures.
Humberto Marçal is one of the exponents of contemporary Portuguese graphic work and a dialogue leader and wise transmitter of knowledge to new generations of artists. He is responsible for various courses and training sessions in printmaking, lithography and serigraphy at different national institutions. He is linked to the formation and evolution of Terceira Island’s artistic community, having collaborated with the Museum of Angra do Heroísmo since the 1970s, both in organising printing and lithography workshops and in holding exhibitions, creating links with the local community that led to new partnerships with Oficina D’Angra and the IAC (Instituto Açoriano de Cultura).