
Jorge Augusto Paulus Bruno, a native of Terceira Island, was born on June 13, 1959.
He graduated in History from the University of the Azores in 1981 and since then has held executive and political positions, namely as Regional Director of Cultural Affairs, Regional Director of Social Security, Vice-President of the Regional Civil Protection Service and Director of Organization and Planning Services in the area of Health, in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. At the beginning of his career, he served as Chief of Staff to the Regional Secretaries for Education and Culture of the 2nd and 3rd Regional Governments of the Azores.

He belongs to the Terceira Island staff, in the career of senior technician, assigned to the Regional Directorate for Culture and is a full member of several cultural institutions.

He has attended courses and training sessions at regional, national and foreign institutions in his areas of expertise.
He is the author of several articles and has presented various communications and conferences at home and abroad in the fields of culture, emergency medicine, civil protection, social security and social action.

He was president of the IAC – Instituto Açoriano de Cultura (Azorean Institute of Culture) from 1990 to 2009 and of “Atlântida – Revista de Cultura” (an organ of this Institute), which promotes all forms of culture.

He was the coordinator of the Azorean Heritage Inventory project, which was carried out by the IAC – Azorean Institute of Culture with funding from the Regional Directorate for Culture of the Azorean Regional Government.

As Chairman of the Board of IAC – Instituto Açoriano de Cultura, he coordinated the management of the Atlantic Digital Art Project (PAAD) and the Chronos project (which aimed to create an e-learning platform with content on the History and Culture of the archipelagos in Macoronesia), which were carried out with funding from INTERREG III-B, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands (FERDER), involving partners from the Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde, in which the IAC was “lead partner”.

He is currently President of the General Assembly of the Sociedade Filarmónica de Instrução e Recreio dos Artistas and on the Board of the Cine-Clube da Ilha Terceira and the Grémio Atlântico – Associação Cívica, Cultural e Solidária.

He has been the Director of the Angra do Heroísmo Museum since 2005, interrupted by the period from October 26, 2009 to November 26, 2012, during which he assumed the position of Regional Director of Culture of the X Government of the Azores.
As part of both his professional duties and his associative activity, he coordinated and authored the museum programs for dozens of exhibitions on a wide variety of themes, as well as the cultural promotion plans carried out as part of them.