- 18.04.2020

Considering that this year’s International Day of Monuments and Sites celebrations are dedicated to Shared Heritage – Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility, as was defined by the Direção-Geral do Património Cultural, and given the contingencies caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum of Angra do Heroísmo invited all its employees and visitors to celebrate this day, even in isolation and physically separated, and so demonstrate that distance does not separate us and that we are all MAH!

So, on 18 April, we asked you to comment on the post on our Facebook page alluding to the International Day of Monuments and Sites with the phrase ‘I am MAH!’ and adding a photo of a moment you spent at the Museum of Angra do Heroísmo, when you felt you were an active part of fulfilling its mission as the guardian of the community’s memory, a promoter of culture and a centre for disseminating knowledge and experiences.

Follow us on Facebook and watch the video.